By chance

Sunday, October 30, 2011

 I was browsing for new templates for the blog. I know I just did the makeover last few months but it seems ages to me. It is not a sin, so what's wrong in changing the look when my heart desires. Hee.....

Google generated lots of websites for free templates and as I was browsing thru one, I found Living File.

Living File is online journaling whereby we can record our daily activities easily. As for blogs, you need to type it, make quite an essay of your daily routine, but Living File offers easy journaling by choosing an activity and filling in form and Tada!! your journal is ready. Still, if you need to brief, make remarks or whine on your activity, be no fear there's a comment section for each activity you entered.

There are lots of activities to choose from

I don't need extra convincing so I just registered, it's free and I got myself an online journal. I decided to use it to keep track of the books I read because I find reviewing the books on the blog tires me or me being lazy. ;)

My account on Living File

From this day onwards, I'll be keeping track of my reading materials just like the school days. It will serve as a good reminder for me to keep up with my readings and polish my writing skills. Hopefully I will be discipline enough. Hopefully! Hahahaha....

I've updated the books I recently finished and currently reading

As for FB sharing, I am a little bit frustrated with the non-sharing features for the activities (they allow for sharing the site though). Preferably, enabling sharing on the activities in the journaling will encourage many to join Living File and make the most out of it. Currently, sharing of our journal is meant only for the circle of friends in Living File or to the public who have join in the first place.

I give myself and Living File a chance though. After all, it's by chance we found each other...or is it fate? ;)

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