KSSR: Outsourcing materials

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) has been implemented starting this year to the year one pupils throughout the nation. The curriculum implemented is a revised version of the 2003 syllabus, with the focus of preparing balanced human capital that are capable of transcending over future challenges. The process of holistical changes involved the changes in the current curriculum in terms of organization, contents, pedagogical, time allocation, assessment and the management of curriculum in school. Teachers currently undergoing courses pertaining to this matter and many more are expected to go through the same exposure as the KSSR will be fully implemented by 2015.

Although I am not teaching the level one pupils this year, the panel took initiative to organize KSSR in-house training. The purpose was to inform teachers on the changes in curriculum and to avoid confusion on the subject matter. Materials were presented by GC Madam Hayati Ahmad in an organized manner and explanation were given appropriately.

Upon further readings online, I found some of the websites that provide useful articles and materials pertaining to KSSR. Bear in mind the materials are not mine, I gathered all of it from various websites, download and upload it to my slideshare account for easy viewing. The credit belongs to the owner.

KSSR Materials
Julai5 taklimat+umum+kssr(1)

Guide book
View more documents from Asniem CA.

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