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Tuesday, February 07, 2012

 2.1.2  Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable words within given context.
2.1.4  Able to segment words into phonemes to spell.
3.1.2 Able to copy and write in neat legible print: a) small (lowercase) letters d) words
4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on: stories

Listening and Speaking

I spent 2 days focusing on this skills. Although I wrote 3 days in my LP but on the first day I had to focus on revising past lessons. I find the need to refresh their memories on things as I found some of them loose the momentum in learning due to the Chinese New Year break. 

The things we revised were on phonemes, graphemes, shapes of the alphabets. I thought them songs to. I've blogged about the song and their singing in this entry. 

Nothing much. As you notice the learning standards for L&S were not stated earlier. I used the ones from previous LP. 


As usual there will be variation in teaching methods as I tend to get better ideas when the sun is high up in the sky. It also due to the fact that, I encountered what confuses 1P then I readjusted my TnL for better understanding. Unfortunately, the revisions were needed by 1P the most as they are the weaker ones. Hmm....

The reading skill in focus last week requires the pupils to be able to identify the phonemes and the ability to blend to make up words. I showed them letter cards s, a, t, p to remind them of the phonemes. Then I rearranged the letters to make up words: sat, pat, sap, tap.

After a while doing this I asked the pupils to come to the front and hold one cards each. Pupils need to hear the phonemes sound and come forward. The pupils who were not involved will then read the words form by the sound. The pupils loved the activities and I got everyone to be involved. This lesson went well and I progressed into working in the activity book.

The extract from my yearly lesson plan for week three 

The lesson started with listening to the sounds again. It might be boring for adult learners and teachers sometimes, but it helped my young learners a lot. It further strengthens their confidence as the principal adopted here in i+1. Every day they are learning new things that are achievable and provide a little challenge.

The writing exercise then emphasis on writing neatly and legibly in the activity book then progressed to the writing book. For 1S I did enrichment activity, which was to find the words in the snake puzzle and wrote it in the space provided.

Language Arts
To be continued next week. 

Although the lesson progressed at a very slow rate, I think many of them are getting right on course. I hope this week their learning rate will be better and they will be ever ready to learn. 

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