May I

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I was mistaken! Silly me, I thought last week, I'll be teaching Unit 6, but I'm still stuck in Unit 5. The thing is I am over excited to tell the story of the duck than the story of a mouse. Luckily, before going to class I browse through and found what was wrong with my previous blog post. 

Listening and Speaking

The week began with the story of Molly and Nat from the textbook. I did a big book version of the story. Sadly, my school doesn't own puppets, so I guess next story I have to do something about it. A story will be livelier with extra aids because pupils loves animated creatures live in front of them. In order to make do with things I just change the voice of Nat and Molly so that they will know who's who.

May I

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The story didn't have a definite ending therefore pupils need to guess Molly's fate. Some of them guessed that Molly will be eaten as she is a mouse and Nat is a cat. I added on the importance of keeping safe and not to talk or follow strangers. Many of them were engaged when I told them the fate of kidnapped children. Better be safe and scared than sorry!

From the story, pupils need to answer true or false questions. I find the concept of deciding one statement to correct or false rather vague to them. Some of the good ones got it right. But the others, need to be reminded on the story, and then I had to reread the statement for them able to get it right. Then, they need to be taught how to tick and cross in the right box. Hahaha I got quite a headache with this task, as there were many boxes and I think their eyes were all over the page. We managed to get through it, Alhamdulillah. Thank God!


I was away, I gave them homework on reading, page 22 of the activity book. They need to check which letters sound the same and colour it. Relatively easy task for the Sarjana's students.


I was away too, I gave them homework on page 23 from the activity book. It was a little difficult but I found it was a good time to introduce slightly higher level writing task where they need to identify the pictures and write down the words.

When I came back on Thursday, we did the exercise again, this time using the word and picture cards. I tested every pupil in 1 Perdana and sadly, 50% were not able to identify pictures to words (spoken) correctly on the first try. I did the exercises for an hour, with one to one tutorial, with all words being tested and I noticed 5 pupils cannot identify at least one correctly. I was speechless for a while. To ease the tense a little, we did the spell-robic.

For this one I found many were unable to judge the shape of the letters. Therefore, I need to reinforce more reading and writing, collaboration between both so that they will be able to make out the vocabulary. I know, the vocabulary list is getting longer but I believe by repetitive exposure, they will able to learn it. Insyaallah.


1 Sarjana didn't have a hard time on the task. Only some who reluctant to do their work can't be assess of their true ability at this point. They were okay with the spell-robic. The words were too easy for them. Maybe I can do spell-robic every day by spelling the day and month.

Language Arts

We did drawings in the reading book. We tested our drawing skill, drawing a cat in a monkey suit and a mouse wearing a napkin. My pupils said, my drawings were beautiful. Funny! Many of them able to draw without much fuss and it turned out to be very nice.  I'll share it next week.

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  1. a gud job..
    can u email this big book to me?

  2. The big book can be downloaded from my slideshare account.

    Thank you!


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