Dum Dum Dum Eee Eee Eee

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The letters D and I has arrived! We focused on those two letters last week. It started with Dilly Duck's Doughnut story, followed by the introduction of the phonemes /d/ and /i/ and the writing of the letters. I guess the flow was smooth from one focus to another.

The learning standards involved last week

Listening and Speaking

I did variation of activities concerning this skill. I think it would benefit my learners even more. For both of my year one classes the lesson started with a story telling. I've posted on the soft copy of this story here.

The progression from the story telling then differ for 1S and 1P.

For 1P: 
  • Teacher posted the pictures of the characters on the board.
  • Teacher mimicked the characters with the dialogue from the story, I used a lot of gestures for this.
  • Teacher then selected some pupils to mimic the character chosen silently.
  • The rest of the class guessed what was the character being mimicked.

I find pupils understand which gestures belong to whom but was rather shy in mimicking. If the pupil was shy, I asked the class to help by doing the mimicking. However, some did brilliantly and I was very proud of them.I think the lesson was not stressful as I find many were laughing and able to name the characters by the end of the lesson.

For 1S, I've blogged about them in this post. You can view their videos too.


The focus is the phonemes /d/ and /i/. Therefore I introduced the letter Dd and Ii. As usual the phonemes were sound and gestures were taught. This introduction was a breeze as I find many were able to identify the letters.

To enrich them in reading, I presented them with words starting with the sounds from the letters. To get them alert with the sounds, letters and words, I let the pupils matched the picture cards to the letters. I helped them by sounding the words so that they were aware of the connection.

As a practice, I recycle my reading cards into reading worksheet. Pupils just need to colour blue for the picture which started with the sound /d/ and read with the sound /i/.


I thought of incorporating words writing into this focus. Unfortunately I didn't have the time. I managed to complete the writing of letters in the exercise and activity book and we did some housekeeping since I need to assess my learners on their progress.

I'm glad my son suggested me into blogging my KSSR journey. I know in the future it can be a reference for me. Writing it also allows me to reflect on my ideas of teaching, looking at myself and being truthful
and honest. Teaching, it is not an easy job for me when I have other things to do, but the support and encouragement from my love ones keep me going. Thanks guys!

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