Reading Traveller

Saturday, February 19, 2011

On the 21st January 2011, I launched a reading program to inculcate reading habits to the 5 Berjaya pupils. The program will last for six months until 30th June 2011.

The reading program will be conducted in this manner.

  • Pupils will volunteer to read to teacher during class hour.
  • The reading material must came from the text book.
  • Only one reading session with one reading text is allowed.
  • Every successful reading will travel from one major city to another.
  • Pupils must complete 16 cities in 6 months.
  • A passport will be issued to travel abroad when all cities are visited.

The objectives of the program are:
1) to inculcate reading habits among the pupils;
2) to instil discipline; and
3) to put the reading materials in the text book into meaningful use.

The assessment of successful reading includes the following:
1) able to decode words correctly;
2) good pronunciation and intonation; and
3) general good impression.

I sincerely hope that the pupils will take advantage of this program to improve on their reading.

I find reading is exciting and I hope to share this belief with them.

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