I can write...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Writing is not an easy skill to master. As a teacher, I find it a struggle to get the pupils to understand what's required of them in order to write correct sentence.

The basic components in a sentence, Noun and Verb

The 1+2 in action, Noun (1) plus Verb (2)
For the weak class, I introduced the 1+2 formula. It is a simple sentence, using simple continuous tense. Many were able to complete the sentences and I think after the holiday, I will select five sentences to expand into the 1+2+3 formula.I hope it will work.

For the 5B and 6G, the introduction of these formula were just a revision for them. However, it was good to refresh their memory on the grammatical items. I used the videos that I downloaded from the eduwebtv to enhance their understanding. I think, it is good to show the videos in repetition so that they will be able to strengthen their uderstanding.

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